Tuesday, April 20, 2010


That's me!

It's been a crazy couple of months around here. My boss went off for some fairly major surgery so 3 of us were left working most of the shifts. Nate has been working some long hours on school work - but he's finally done! Just a dissertation now, no biggie. His mother and grandmother hopped over for a rather lengthy visit that managed to draw us out of this little city and across the border to merry old England! Heathrow doesn't exactly count as "seeing England."

So we saw York and it was wonderful. The Minster is breathtaking, ancient and still holding services for it's parishioners. We even attended one! There is nothing quite like a psalm by Tallis when sung by an all male choir in the cathedral. Also fascinating were the Roman ruins recently discovered underneath the structure - including a still working drain!!! If you ever decide to come this'a way, plan to stop in York for a day or two. Wonderful city.

The Moms also spent a week in St Andrews with us, touring about and tasting all the pub food we could get into them, plus some delicious Italian dishes. You really should come visit since we now have all of these tried and true places to take you. You'll love it! Easter was superb as well as we not only enjoyed a supremely tasty meal prepared by my Nate, we were able to attend services at sunrise at the edge of a cliff at seaside, directly beside ancient cathedral ruins. And we took communion inside said cathedral, exactly as they would have 500 years ago. There is nothing better.

All of this chaos was certainly fun and, due to that recent discovery, very tiring. I have never been so willing to sleep in all of my life - that's saying something! As we go to print, I am now 9 weeks pregnant! I am a Mother-to-be!! I daresay I'm surviving this first trimester with flying colors as the sickness is at a minimum and all that I can truly complain about is being tired. But who can really complain about that when the next logical step is to announce that you're going to bed? I think I'm ok with that. I will however, be rather glad to stop working. It's just too bad I can't take off now and just work the summer since that's supposed to be the good time. Here's to the fall! And here's to hoping that a Stateside summer vacation works it's way into reality!!