Thursday, April 24, 2008

A week that didn't

After coming off of a week that positively flew by, it's disconcerting to have one that drags. As I type, the clock reads 3:05. I will be remaining in this office until it reads 5:00. Fortunately, if I'm paying attention, I can walk out of here the second those numbers appear. Unfortunately, there are still two hours in between that number and the one showing now.


The passage of time has always been odd to me and this is just another one of those times. I can't understand it. I have work that I could do and that I should do. I have projects at home to occupy my time. What makes this go so slowly? I most certainly wish I knew. I wonder if it's something subconscious, perhaps something that I want to be doing instead of sitting here but I'm not aware of it. That could be it. I've managed to stop thinking so heavily about the coming months and the changes they could be bringing but maybe there's still a part of me that yearns for the changes. I wouldn't be at all surprised if that was it.

So here I sit - feeling that there are more words to write, more things to do and wishing that I didn't have the munchies. The clock only reads 3:14.

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