Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wisps of Memories

I think autumn came today. The sky is full of cold clouds racing overhead. The wind has arrived with gusto and insists on blowing any girls hair into whipped frenzy. Colors have started to appear on trees and a few leaves have made their way into piles on the ground.

Walking along with my hair twirling about my face, I caught a scent of something ever so briefly. It was like a memory sitting on the edge and trying to dive into the now. The moment ended quickly and left me wondering what it was that had crossed by me and my little nose. I suppose I won't ever really know but I am now flooded with memories. Fall memories. My favorites.

Raking piles of leaves in the backyard to jump in but stopping that activity as soon as I realized those leaves weren't soft pillows
Pulling out the box of sweaters for the first time that season
Wrapping up in a puffy vest, scarf and my sweet hat for a stroll about the village
Football games with the band playing and eating pizza from the best shop in town
Coming home to find fall themed cookies decorating our dining table
Apple cider with caramel
Hot chocolate with marshmallows
A trip to Chicago with wonderful friends
Walking to work every day
Apple pie
Surprising Nate and touring Greenville

I love fall. It's almost absolutely my favorite season. Now I really need to get my hands on some apple cider.

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